Saturday, October 30, 2010

First day on the ship.

Oct 20
I’m on the ship!  Everything worked.  We had our first safety drills and meetings.  Annette walked me around the ship for a first tour.  Just enough to give me a sense of how much area there is to get lost in.  I’m totally going to get lost.  I can’t even remember which way is fore and which is aft yet.  And yes you can feel the boat moving.  I think we’re still in port, but you definitely feel it.

I’m unpacked now and the computer is set up so I can recharge my ipod and download my photos and such.  I need to go get my A-pass tomorrow, which is how you spend money on the ship.  It’s a card you charge up with cash and then swipe to spend it.  A little freaky.  It’s how you pay for internet too.  So tomorrow I gotta get me one of those.

Ate in the crew cafeteria today.  It seems very reasonable, but tonight I’ll be going to some restaurant with Annette and Megan which should be fun.

Also this keyboard is seeming less itty bitty as I get more used to typing on it.  That’s sort of a relief.  I was beginning to wonder if I’d get used to it at all.

Oh and my room is NICE.  It’s small, but it’s not at all cramped and the privacy it affords is wonderful.  It’s nice to be able to retreat somewhere when you’re in a new environment.

Tonight we had dinner in the Ocean View lounge which is the first place I actually saw the ocean moving by the ship.  I didn’t know we were actually moving.  Tonight the sea is perfectly still.  The food was ok, and later Megan, Chris (her husband, who has joined us for this cruise) and I went to Quasar which is a disco lounge.   Megan chose it for it’s relative seclusion.  The older demographic of this cruise tends to stay away from that bar.  We had a couple drinks and chatted and then headed back to the rooms.  The décor in Quasar included a matrix of LED’s on the ceiling that flowed and strobed to the music.  Pretty impressive really.  I’ll have to take a video sometime before I don’t even notice them anymore.

There's Megan and Chris looking out of the glass elevator (there are 6 here) at midship.

A tree grows in midair halfway up the elevators.

Our adoring fans.

We've got a lawn.  Of course.

Big ship.  It takes 5 minutes to walk from my room to the glass shop.

For some reason I expected the sea to be an expanse of nothingness.  I've quickly learned to appreciate the dramatic quality of open water.

First formal night.  Check me out.  No seriously, check me out.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Super Late Second Post.

Hey everyone.  Hopefully this begins a patter of my updating this blog more frequently.  There are a lot of things to get organized when you try to transplant your life to a place that is foreign in so many ways.  Here's a note I sent out to someone early on.


I’m sorry that I have done such little correspondence. I’m still getting all the strange systems of living on the ship up and running. Such as my A-pass which is a card that takes the place of cash on the ship, which I think I accidentally overdrew, so I need to go to a particular office and pay up so I can again buy things and also I think that is what has caused my interwebs to be disabled. Thus the minimal contact. Also had to get my room key (magnetic, like in a hotel) replaced today because it decided it didn’t want to open my door anymore. Stupid plastic keys. Add to that, trying to remember to attend all the training sessions, go to work, and see all the amazing things on the ship and it’s a little busy or disorienting or both. But I do have time to relax, I just worry a lot that maybe I’m forgetting something when I’m not running around. I got off the ship at the first port of Madiera, Portugal which was beautiful, but I only had an hour and a half or so to walk around. Still, amazing. Gorgeous.

I might have a cold. Hopefully not.

 But enough excuses.  On to the blog.

This is the plane to London.

Oct 19, 2010
So here I am at Heathrow.  Got through immigration and customs fine.  Now I’m at terminal 5 and I need to get to terminal 1, 2, or 3 to catch the bus to the hotel.  I just bought a $6 juice.  Orange.  Tastes fresh.  They speak English here.

Made it to the Holliday Inn and pretty much just chilled out.   Thought  a bit about trying to get out to London a bit, but wasn’t quite driven enough after an 8 hour flight and noon in London being 4am at home, I was feeling a bit like just relaxing.  Great room.  9th floor, nice view.  The weather is pretty much like Seattle.  It was drizzling when I got to the hotel and it was on and off throughout the afternoon.  I’m pretty happy to have just stayed indoors.  Fixed some pants.  Had dinner at the hotel restaurant and had the buffet.  I’m really going to have to learn to eat less when there’s more than enough available.  Didn’t really overdo it tonight, but I definitely ate more than I would at home, and rich stuff too.  The dessert was probably the best though, kind of a chocolate and cherry cake with chocolate sauce.  Mmmm.

On a similar note, British Airways is doing it right.  They came around with free drinks for everyone, and not just, “here’s your half can of coke over ice,” I asked for beer and my stewardess gave me a can and a glass and then handed me a second can.   Wow.  And they served a very reasonable dinner too, with more beer.  I didn’t really need 3 beers, but what do you do when someone hands you a beer?  Anyhow, I heard there was breakfast too, but I’m not sure, I was asleep.
Catch the bus to the ship at 6:30 tomorrow morning.

My first view of the ship.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

First Post.

Hi everyone. Welcome to the blog I'll be keeping while I'm on the Celebrity Eclipse. Today I'm trying to get things done that need to be done before I ship out. One of these things is to create a way to stay in touch with my friends and family while I'm away. Last year I hiked the Appalachian Trail ( and I received a lot of positive feedback from people about the journals and pictures I posted there, so I will be doing something similar for my cruise ship deployment.

My vision for this blog is to have lots of pictures and lots of stories. Hopefully they will be interesting enough that a bunch of people will want to follow along. I get on a plane bound for Heathrow in nine days. Crazy.