Saturday, October 9, 2010

First Post.

Hi everyone. Welcome to the blog I'll be keeping while I'm on the Celebrity Eclipse. Today I'm trying to get things done that need to be done before I ship out. One of these things is to create a way to stay in touch with my friends and family while I'm away. Last year I hiked the Appalachian Trail ( and I received a lot of positive feedback from people about the journals and pictures I posted there, so I will be doing something similar for my cruise ship deployment.

My vision for this blog is to have lots of pictures and lots of stories. Hopefully they will be interesting enough that a bunch of people will want to follow along. I get on a plane bound for Heathrow in nine days. Crazy.


  1. This blog needs some more pictures. And words. What does the shop look like? How many people come watch? What's your favorite ship entertainment?

  2. This is from Nathan, who won't get his own account.

    Thusly, so, A Supposedly Fun Thing You ARE Doing Again?!? Cheers! No, wait, you've DONE this before, no?

    May Poseidon smile gentle waves upon your bow,
    And your kilns by the hand of Vulcan be exalted.


  3. Enjoyed a lovely day w/ your Mom, my friend and auntie, yesterday. We chatted about your adventure and today, I'm checking out the blog. So, so jealous! I'd definitely be hanging out in the discotec:-) How many times a day do you perform for audiences? How do you think a wheelchair would get along on board? Am looking forward to more posts. Darlene
